One bright, April day during recess at a suburban elementary school, the 4th grade bully Jake demanded that a group of three 3rd graders give him their backpacks and everything inside, yelling "If you don't, you are going to regret it for the rest of your life!" Jake felt extremely confident that the kids would give in to his demands as he was much larger than them (and most of the 5th grade class) and had a posse of pals right behind him who could step in should Jake start to lose the battle. As Jake stood his ground, waiting for the three little kids to surrender their belongings, the 3rd graders decided that enough was enough. They had seen Jake go through this same ordeal with countless other kids and it was time to put a stop to his antics. One of the three, Sam, stood up to Jake and declared "There's no way I'm going to give you my stuff! Let's fight this out like men!" Sam readied his backpack, prepared to swing it at Jake's head should ...
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