An Introduction to Me

For starters, I am a history major and a German minor and I greatly enjoy the fact that I get to learn about different people, places, and cultures in my field of study. I love the fact that several people can see the same event so very differently and that we can read texts today that were written thousands of years. I enjoy the fact that history shows us great changes in human civilizations all across the world and offers methods for better understanding these changes, while also showing similarities that arise from simply being human, despite vast distances in time and space between individuals.

In the same vein, the best course that I took last semester was Imperial Russia which covered a region I had never before studied. I was determined to take at least one Russian history course before graduating in May 2019, so I am quite happy that I was able to do so and greatly enjoyed learning about the formation of the Russian empire and the eventual destruction of the imperial Russian state. My biggest accomplishment last semester was the creation of my honors thesis, which was over how Merovingian queens gained and maintained power.

A steel engraving by Henriette De Witt depicting the violent Merovingian queen Fredegund slamming her daughter Rigunth's head in a chest after a nasty fight. Source: Wiki Commons

The best movie I have seen recently (possibly ever) is Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. I did not expect to enjoy this film, but found it incredibly entertaining and funny. It was beautifully animated and has an amazing soundtrack that pairs perfectly with the movie. The best book I have ever read is a tie between Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison and The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. I also love Murakami Haruki's works, though I have not yet read all of them. As far as music goes, I love all types except country, with some of my favorite artists being The Weeknd, Childish Gambino, and older ones like Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and Frank Sinatra.

Photo of the Rat Pack (included Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr.) in Las Vegas in 1960 by Dell Publishing. Source: Wiki Commons

For career goals, I am planning on working in the Metropolitan library system for another two years at least and then moving on to attend law school, after which I would love to practice in intellectual property law.

Regarding my favorite topic, pets, I currently have two cats, a huge 17 pound cat named Maximus and a tiny 7 pound cat named Cooper. Maximus is 7 years old while Cooper is an old man at 13. If everything goes according to plan, in a couple of months I will be adding a new member to the family, a German Shepherd. I hope to find a girl who will fit in well with my family (especially with the cats!) and look forward to having a dog around the house again, though of course I love my kitties.

A personal photo of my cat, Maximus, lounging on the couch.

My favorite place in the world is Heidelberg, Germany, where I spent the Fall 2017 semester. I felt like I was living in a fairytale town, with the beautiful castle looking down on the city and the old university buildings scattered around town. The Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg is the oldest university in Germany and one of the oldest in the world that is still standing, having been established in 1386 CE. The city is a college town, with about a quarter of the population being students, many foreign exchange students.

In my free time, I read anything from the fictional and surreal Murakami novels to science fiction like the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons. I used to play video games, but no longer really have the time to do so. I also enjoy playing the piano (though now I have no piano, just a keyboard) and occasionally attempting to cook, which often ends in disappointment or disaster.

If I had an extra day for fun, I would love to spend it visiting my sister and brother-in-law in Indiana or my extended family in New York (Rome, New York, not New York, New York!). I also enjoy the simple pleasure of reading in bed with by cats curled up by my side and would hardly complain if given an extra day to do so.

Photo of Bellamy Harbor Park in Rome, New York, by Mike Christoferson. Source: Flickr


  1. Oh wow, history AND German: what a fantastic combination for this class, Rebecca! I am sure you are going to see all kinds of echoes and overlap between this class and other classes you've had at OU. Nobody has ever done Merovingian queens for a Storybook in this class, but that picture is certainly story-worthy. Someone did do a gorgeous Eleanore of Aquitaine project: Eleanor's Troubadours.
    Plus Russia too: that is really exciting! (I was a Russian and Polish major in college a gazillion years ago.) Maybe that is something you will want to explore for this class: stories from Russia at the Freebookapalooza.
    And have you seen Ken Burns's Vietnam? The Tim O'Brien parts are fantastic; he is one of the most powerful narrators that Burns recruited for that show.
    And yay for your cats! (Maximus: ha! what a perfect name) There's an extra credit Tech Tip if you want to put a picture of them in our "Padlet of Pets" -- here's the link: Padlet Tech Tips. All that extra credit stuff starts in Week 2 but it's all open now (that's an all-purpose mantra for this class: no need to wait).
    Now I am curious to see what paths you will want to pursue for this class. :-)

  2. Hi Rebecca!
    Your introduction amazes me so much! A history major with a German minor? That is crazy! I could never do that, and your Honors Thesis sounds incredibly interesting. I don't even know what a Merovingian queen is, but I will look it up. You mentioned a lot of things I had never heard before. I definitely am interested though. Good luck in this class and in getting to law school in the future.

  3. Hey, Rebecca!

    How cool that you're studying German -- I meet a lot of people with Spanish or French as a minor, but you're only the second person I've met studying German. I'm hoping to practice law after finishing my history degree just like you are, so that's something we've got in common! I've been really wanting to check out the new Spiderman movie as well, the art style looks super interesting. Maybe I'll see it over the three day weekend after reading your review!

  4. Hi, Rebecca!

    I'm so excited that you said the best movie you've seen is Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse. I've been a huge Spider-Man fan since I saw the first movie with Tobey Maguire, and I thought that Into the Spider Verse was the best comic book movie made so far! I also loved the soundtrack and the animation style, I thought both were super fun and really helped orient the movie to its location in New York City.

    I also think it's cool that you're studying German! I took German classes all four years of high school, and took a semester when I came to OU. Sadly I didn't have room in my schedule to continue studying the language, but I still think of random German phrases sometimes just to make sure I don't forget everything I've learned! I've never been to Heidelberg, but I really enjoyed my time in Berlin and Freiburg when I visited after graduating high school.


  5. Hi Rebecca!
    I think it's really cool that you're interested in understanding people, politics, and culture over time. Is that why you signed up for this class? I feel like mythology and folklore give us an insight into the ways that people have seen the world and transmitted that knowledge to their children over time.
    Also, your cats sound amazing. There's something about a big fat cat that is so lovable.
    Good luck this semester!

  6. Hey Rebecca,

    I think you have chosen a fascinating field of study here at OU. I never really considered how truly important history is until I read the good points made in your post. It sounds fascinating to study deeply. It is so cool that you loved the book The Things They Carried. That is definitely one of the better books I have read. Best of luck this semester!


  7. Hey Rebecca!

    Congrats on the upcoming graduation. It’s great that you are getting your major in history. In fact, that’s what I’m getting my minor in here at OU! What were some of your favorite history classes you took here, other than your course on Imperial Russia? Also, I saw you wrote your thesis over Merovingian Queens and their consolidation of power, have you looked into more aspects of Medieval Europe? I took three classes over Medieval Europe here at OU and enjoyed all of them. Anyway, best of luck in your last semester!

    - JD

  8. Hey Rebecca! Congrats on being so close to finishing your degree, you've made it this far! Majoring in History and German both sounds like such a cool major combination. I am a biology major, but I love learning about history, especially of medieval Europe! I also really love Spanish as a language and am considering a minor in Spanish, so if you think it's worth it, let me know!

  9. Hi Rebecca!
    If I could go back and restart my college career, I would do so many more history classes than I have, maybe even a minor or major. Your career path direction is interesting! Intellectual Property Law is a very complex field nowadays, with a lot of work that needs to be done. I've considered going into it myself, if I choose to go after law.
    From one finishing senior to another, good luck on your last semester!

  10. Hey Rebecca! How awesome that you are studying German, that is super impressive. Your cats are so cute. Maximus is so huge fluffy! I also loved the Spiderman movie, I am a big super hero fan! I think I am more into Marvel than DC, but either way I will watch both! Germany look unbelievable. That is so cool you got to go! Hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  11. Hi Rebecca!
    Your cats are so cute. I cannot believe how big Maximus is. I would love to have a giant cat like him! I saw Into the Spider-Verse twice. I don't really like Spiderman that much, but I was so impressed by the movie. It was so unique and I loved the music and animation style. It's super cool that you want to go into intellectual property law, I don't know that much about it but it seems very interesting. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  12. Hi Rebecca!

    Good luck with your last semester and with your plans after you graduate. Intellectual property sounds like a really interesting field of study. Your cat is really cute and SO big! I have grown up with German Shepherds, they are the greatest dogs. Also, that Merovingian queen looks pretty nasty. I am glad she isn't my mother. I look forward to reading your stories and seeing what you create throughout this class!

  13. Hello, Rebecca!

    Wow! I cannot believe that you are doing both a history major and a German minor! I feel like that is a really unique combination because I have never met anyone else that is doing it! It seems like you have really found your calling. it warms my heart to know that you are going to be doing something that you love every day!

  14. Hi Rebecca!

    Your major is so interesting, and I'm really impressed that you have such a diverse range of interests and the drive to pursue all of them. I am glad to find another lover of oldie music on here, but the classics are so good! I loved visiting Germany as well, and I would love to hear more stories about your time there. Your cats are also super cute (especially the old fat one!), and I hope you're able to find the perfect dog to complete your pet household! I am so impressed that you read so many books in your free time, and even more so that one of your favorites is The Invisible Man. I remember how difficult that was for me to get through, but the fact that you love that syle and content of writing makes me think what an incredibly sharp mind you have. I can't wait to see what you contribute this semester!

  15. Hey howdy Rebecca! Woah. There is so much going on in here. I am super jealous of your time in Heidelberg. My sister lived in Berlin for a couple years and I was lucky enough to go visit her. I wish I could have stayed! I am thrilled you are continuing your German studies... what cool culture. I am excited to check out your work this semester

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hey there Rebecca,
    Congrats on being so close to finishing your degree. I am very close as well! Majoring in history as well in german sounds like a very interesting combo. I did take Spanish but it has been a while and I can not even imagine minoring in it. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hey Rebecca,

    You brought up some good points about history and why you chose it as a degree. I can only really stomach a lot of history if there's a lot of drama to it all. Which from the picture you shared about the queen and her daughter, it looks like you have found some intriguing stories to read up on. I wish you luck on getting into law school!

  19. Hi Rebecca,
    I feel the same way about Spiderverse. I took my little brothers to see it, but I probably wouldn't have watched it without them. I thought it was going to be a cartoon for little kids, but it was actually amazing and deep and the greatest movie ever! It was so good I had to go back and watch it again.
    I hope you are enjoying German. I am majoring in French, which I love, but I want to learn many other languages as well. History is cool too, I thought about minoring in it but ended up not doing that. Maximus is absolutely gorgeous!
    It was great to get to know you through your introduction. I hope you have a great semester!

  20. Hey Rebecca,

    It sounds to me like you are very passionate about history. I think everyone should be really passionate about something. Congratulations on making it to your last semester of undergrad! I am right there with you, and I am ready to get my degree!

    I am a bit jealous that you got to go to Germany for a study abroad program. I would love to visit Germany at some point just because I feel like so much has happened there historically.

    Good luck,

  21. Hi Rebecca!

    Awesome intro! You really went into great detail explaining yourself well. You live a very interesting and full life, which would be enough to make most of us here jealous! Knowing a bit more about your background, reading your stories will be fun! I hope you enjoy the rest of your course.

    Also, I love the name you chose for your big kitty! It fits well.

    -Lance J.

  22. Hi Rebecca,

    A history major and a minor in German, that's awesome. You know, I've got some friends that are History Buffs, and they introduced me to a podcast called Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, and it's just amazing. It sparked my interest in history; the way that he presents it makes history very interesting and intriguing. Anyways, I hope you are having a great semester!


  23. Hi there Rebecca!

    I loved getting to read and learn more about you! Your passion for history and language is awesome, and I bet you're getting more out of this class than the average student thanks to your strong background in history. Unfortunately, it's April now and I still haven't seen Into the Spiderverse, but your glowing review has me rethinking my cinematic priorities! I love your writing, and I can't wait to read more!


  24. Hey Rebecca!
    I read your intro a bit earlier in the year, but the randomizer sent me back here this week. I guess with it being late in the semester it’s running out of options haha. So I figured I would just check in! I looked over your blog layout and it looks great! It seems like you had a clear vision for the semester, and you’ve done a great job of bringing it to life.


  25. Hey Rebecca,

    It was really good to read your introduction post and get to know a little bit about you. I think it is so cool to see someone be so passionate about history as I am also a bit of a fanatic. There are so many lessons to be taught from learning history and one of which is that history repeats itself. I think it is so interesting to see modern day events that can be compared to those of our past. Hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  26. Hi Rebecca,

    How cool that you are a history major. I am not that interested in learning or talking about history unless I have to, but I do appreciate it. I love how you pointed out how several people can see the same event so very differently. This statement is so true. I definitely understand not having time to do something anymore due to lack on time. I have the same problem.

  27. Hi Rebecca!

    I love when others get excited about history. Typically, it's not most people's favorite subject, but it appears we share the same enthusiasm for learning about past events and how they shaped the present, and will shape the future. I always like to tell naysayers, "History never gets old." Anywho, I'm glad I could learn a little bit about you. Best of luck in the final few weeks!


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