My Favorite Place on Earth: Heidelberg, Germany

My favorite place on earth is Heidelberg, Germany, where I studied for four months in the fall of 2017. Heidelberg is located in southwestern Germany, very near the French border, and sits on the Neckar river. It is home to the stunning Heidelberger Schloss (Heidelberg Castle) as well as the Old Bridge. While I did not live in the beautiful Altstadt (downtown), I enjoyed living in the more modern area across the Neckar river as this is where I met a lot of other foreign exchange students, including my wonderful roommate from Bulgaria. Student life in Germany was incredibly cheap, with housing, food, and university costing next to nothing. This allowed me to travel to various places like Krakow, Prague, and Milan, as well as across Germany. Heidelberg remains my favorite place to visit and I hope to return in the near future!

                                                            Photo of Heidelberg Castle by Ted Grath. Source: Flickr                                                                                                               
Photo of the Altstadt in Heidelberg by Ted Grath. Source: Flickr

Photo of the Old Bridge and the Altstadt in Heidelberg by Alex Hanoko. Source: Flickr


  1. How cool that you went to Krakow too, Rebecca! That is one of the places I wrote about in my fav places post; I was a Polish major in college. Maybe you will want to do a Germany-inspired Storybook for this class! You'll find out more about the Storybooks and how all that works later this week. The German storytelling tradition is one of the great storytelling traditions of the world!

  2. Hi Rebecca!
    What did you study in Germany? I bet the sights were beautiful. The pictures of the architecture were very pretty to see . It must be so nice to go to college in Europe, where they are not paying thousands upon thousands to go! Hopefully, you can return back to Heidelberg one day after graduation, or even before! I wish to one day study abroad because you get such a cultural experience from living with others who are from all over.


  3. Hey Rebecca!

    I already commented on your introduction so I decided to come here. I love learning about new places and Heidelberg Germany is just beautiful. I can see why you like it. I love to travel and hope to go abroad many more times in my life. I also went to Milan which was a really cool city to see. Especially the Doumo.
    I hope you get to go back again soon too.

  4. Hello, Rebecca!

    Despite how geographically savvy I may claim to be, I must admit that I have never heard of Heidelberg, Germany before! I am a little envious that student life is so cheap and affordable in Germany – I am tempted to go visit the place myself! I really appreciate all of the pictures you included for us. I wish I could own (or even visit really) a castle of that size!


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