Week 8 Progress

I am pretty happy with my progress so far--I have managed to keep up with everything and have never turned in anything late. I have also managed to do about one extra credit assignment every week, which has helped put me a little ahead as far as points go. I am proud that I have remembered to do everything every week so far and that I have managed to do some extra credit--what with work and my other classes, I was worried that I would forget about assignments for this class but that has definitely not happened. I find myself looking forward to each week's readings and assignments!

I kind of have difficulty keeping a routine what with my work schedule and the demands for my other classes, but I am not really a procrastinator so I always manage to get my work done and turned in on time. I have fairly good time management skills, which I learned in high school and in my first year of college, so I don't really have to have a routine to get everything done (though I would definitely like to get to the point where I have one as I feel like routines help lessen stress and give people a better sense of control!). As far as assignments that I enjoy the most, the readings are definitely my favorites, but I also like working on my storybook. When it comes to extra credit, I have only done the extra readings and extra commenting so far, but plan to try out some new ones soon!

Things have gone pretty smoothly regarding my blog and website. I was a little disappointed with the lack of options regarding fonts and colors and such on the Google website that we use, but it is really easy to use so it is actually quite perfect for a beginner like me! Plus, I really like the banner option and find it easy to make the website look good, despite my lack of experience in making websites. As far as my blog goes, I've kept the general theme the same since the first week or two because I really like the way it looks. I haven't experimented with it as much as I have with my website, but that's mainly because I like how it is right now. The blog is easy to use, as well.

For the second half of the semester, I would like to get ahead again by a week--I was doing that but then work and my other classes got a bit hectic so I am now only a few days ahead. But during spring break I plan to get ahead by a week and hopefully can keep ahead for the second half of the semester. I also want to try doing more extra credit each week and want to try some new types, like the Wikipedia trail. I obviously want to avoid falling behind or missing any assignments. As far as my writing goes, I might try adding some dialogue, just to make it more interesting. I also could try using more descriptive language, setting the scene using colorful and vivid words. There is not really anything that I want to change about my blog or project yet.

Photo by larzor. Source: Flickr


  1. Rebecca!
    I am super impressed you've kept up with your extra credit assignment. I started out trying to do an extra reading every week but have really fallen behind on that. The strategy of being a week ahead is definitely smart and is what I am trying to do. I also think the readings and the storybook are the most fun assignments! You get a chance to learn/read something interesting and the chance to be creative on a topic you were interested in. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  2. Rebecca,
    I am amazed that you have not missed any assignments with out a schedule. I typically have had a lot of problems getting things turned in on time, as I am probably the worst procrastinator you have ever met. I have been trying to stick to the schedule that I have and that is helping so much. It has been a couple weeks since I have missed anything and I am also getting some extra credit done. This inspires me to keep chugging away on this extra credit until I finally get caught up and hopefully can get ahead. Have a great rest of the semester.


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