Online Course Technology

As far as technology we will be using in this course that I am familiar with, I have used free textbook/book websites before and greatly appreciate the access they give poor college students! I am also very familiar with Google Docs and love using it anytime I am working on a project that I want to be able to take on the go or share with others, like with group projects. I love that it saves your work automatically and that groups of people can edit it whenever and wherever they please. I also make frequent use of support websites involving writing and citing whenever I am working on a paper for a class. No matter how many times I use Chicago style in my citations, I am always forgetting something and find websites like Purdue OWL very useful in the citation process. Blogging, however, is completely new for me and I am excited to add to my blog and to see how others' blogs progress throughout the semester!

The online environment is, so far, very relaxed and comfortable for me in comparison with the other classes I have taken on campus. I like that I can edit my blog and have the freedom to craft posts the way I want to while still having clear guidelines on what needs to be included for the assignment to be complete. I am enjoying the creativity that we are allowed to have on our blogs and am looking forward to starting the readings and storytelling! I also appreciate the fact that there are a lot of different assignments and extra credit options and that people can tailor the course to what they enjoy most, which is completely different from all other courses I have had in college. This is by far the most flexible course I have taken, which is perfect for me as I am taking on more hours at work and getting prepared to graduate. As far as web skills that I really want to work on, I would love to get better at graphics creation and image editing. I am also looking forward to learning about creating a website for our semester project as I have never done that before and think it is quite a useful skill to have.

Photo by Chris Jagers. Source: Flickr


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